If you are having difficulty building out the resume content details contained in the bullet points of the resume, one approach is to ask yourself this question: "What have I done that was notable or unique?" Ask this question for each section, for each major heading, and for each activity listed on your resume. As you do, you will begin to formulate the resume content and details that will begin to build an outstanding resume.
Were you the youngest person ever hired by your employer?
Did you receive any special awards or recognitions in your academic program?
Did you accomplish anything of note in your extracurricular activities?
Think about the notable accomplishments in your life. Think about what you might tell your parents or grandparents about notable accomplishments during your college years. These notables will provide you with excellent content and specific details within your resume. This content will help to set you apart from the crowd. This is the type of info that employers look for in deciding whom to interview. And this content, in turn, forms the basis for building the compelling stories you can use within your interviews.
Note your notables. Build them into your resume. And build them into your job search vocabulary as the foundation for showing what differentiates you and your value proposition to employers.